Künstlerischer Lebenslauf

Karine LaBel verkörpert die traditionelle haitianische Kultur

LaBel ist eine anerkannte freiberufliche Künstlerin, Tanzchoreografin und Tanzlehrerin, die in Wien lebt. Sie begreift ihren künstlerischen Beitrag in der kreativen Persönlichkeitsentwicklung durch Tanz und Zeremonien. LaBel ist Obfrau des Vereins für österreichisch-haitianische Kulturkontakte Aybobo, seit 2000 ist sie Dozentin für traditionellen haitianischen Tanz am Universitätssportinstitut Wien und unterrichtet seit 2004 bei ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival.

Mehr über mich.

Künstlerischer Lebenslauf Karine Label artistic resume Karine Label haitian african dance

Bildungs- und Berufshintergrund

2023: Zertifizierte Begleiterin für SchülerInnen mit schulischen Schwierigkeiten und Behinderungen.
2020: Fortbildung in afrikanischem Tanz und Perkussion im Tilyboo Cultural Training Center, Senegal. Mit Zertifizierung durch die Republik Senegal.
2018: Forschungsprojekt, 1 Woche unter der Leitung von Jennifer Lacey.
2017: Zertifizierte Zumba-Lehrerin.
2009/2010: 2 Wochen Seminar Teacher Teaching Teachers (TTT).
2007: Ausbilderdiplom “Nike Rockstar Workout Dancehall”.
1999: 5-wöchiges Seminar in Haiti, wo sie Tanzkurse bei Vivianne Gautier, der Grande Dame des haitianischen Tanzes, absolvierte.
1995: Studium des afrikanischen Tanzes bei Georges Momboy in Paris (in Österreich bekannt durch die Wiener Tanzwochen).
1993: Einführung und Vertiefung in den traditionellen haitianischen Tanz in Lakou Souvenance, dem wichtigsten religiösen Wallfahrtsort in Haiti.
1991: Künstlerische Aktivitäten in Paris (Frankreich). Regelmäßige Tanzlehrerin für Kinder im Alter von 4-11 Jahren für die Stadt Paris bis 1996.
1988: Baccalauréat, nationales haitianisches Sekundarschuldiplom (entspricht Matura/Abitur).
1970: Geboren in Les Cayes auf Haiti.

Karine spricht Kreolisch, Französisch, Deutsch und Englisch.

Künstlerische Aktivitäten


Retreat Workshop 2024 🇸🇳 in Sénégal
Afro Tanz Retreat und Trommelworkshop
Casamence – Sénégal
> zum Retreat 2025

Erscheinungen in “Crystal Wall” ,der ZDF-Serie
Mitwirkung an mehreren Szenen sowie Teilnahme an der Set-Arbeit in Wien.


IRIE! dance theatre
Making Tracks: Nuances, Heritage & Rituals
London – UK

Testimonial für 40 Jahre ImPulsTanz
Es war mir eine Ehre, als Testimonial für das 40. Jubiläum des ImPulsTanz-Festivals auf diversen Medienplattformen und Plakaten in Wien und österreichweit präsent zu sein.

Afro-Haitian Dance

Kursleiterin Intensive 2
Afro-Haitian Dance & Songs

On Air auf Radio ORANGE 94.0
Let’s dance! Global Dialoge
Eine Sendereihe über Frauen*bewegungen weltweit, *feministische, entwicklungspolitische und transkulturelle Debatten, Frauen*arbeits- und Lebensrealitäten und globale Machtverhältnisse.
> zum Interview

Haitianischer Tanz- und Trommelworkshop
Poznań – Polen

Haitianische Tanzworkshops
Ritmo Tropical – Vienna

Public Moves by ImPulsTanz 2024
Wien Donaustadt
Wien Schwarzenbergplatz
Wien Favoriten

Public Moves by ImPulsTanz 2024 in Salzburg
Museum der Moderne
Salzburg Mönchsberg

Vienna International School
Tanzworkshop für Teenager mit live-Trommler

Trommelworkshop mit Gesang
Live-Trommler aus dem Senegal


Haitian dance workshop
Ritmo Tropical – Vienna

Haitian dance workshop in Rome
Danzarmonia Academy – School of Dance in Roma

Lycée Français de Vienne
Academic year starting program
Teaching classes
Vienna – Austria

ImPulTanz 2023
Workshop Afro-Haitian Dance

Public Moves by ImPulsTanz 2023

MuseumsQuartier, Wien

CANTO – Wiener Konzethaus
Neue Wiener Stimmen »Canto«
Song from Haiti: Gede Nibo

Saturdance 2023 – Tanz die Toleranz
Workshops Brunnenpassage Wien


Saturdance 2022 – Tanz die Toleranz
Workshops Brunnenpassage Wien

Festival Afrik Urbanarts International
Abidjan, Elfenbeinküste

Lycée Français de Vienne
2 weeks academic year starting program
Teaching classes
Vienna – Austria

Performance “Die Kehrseite der Medaille”
Karine Label & Compagnie
Herzogenburg – Austria

Dance workshop for kids and teens
Herzogenburg – Austria

Kultursommer Wien – Performance
Die Kehrseite der Medaille
Karine Label & Compagnie

Public Moves Vienna
Afro-hatian Dance

IMPULSTANZ Festival Vienna
Afro-hatian Dance

Kultursommer Wien – Tanzperformance
Blut-Zucker: Eure Süße Unser Tod
Konzept & Choreografie: Sofie Douda

Lycée Français de Vienne
Performance – Studio Molière, Wien

“Genova nel mondo, il mondo a Genova” | Teatro Carlo Felice, Genoa, Italy
Performance commissioned by the Consulate of the Republic of Haiti in Genoa.
Cultural event organized by the international Consular Corps of Genoa and Liguria with the Municipality of Genoa.
Genoa – Italy

One Billion Rising Vienna | Austria 2022
Under the patronage of Mrs. Mag.a Doris Schmidauer.
Brazilian Beat meets Haitian Dance
Maracati Nossa Luz & Karine LaBel

Teaching – Workshop at the Lycée Français de Vienne
“Programme école ouvert”

primary school level
middle School level


Workshops in Rome (Italy)
Afro-Haitian dance with Karine LaBel and Alessio Renzopaoli.

“Saturdance Special” im Weltmuseum
Weltmuseum Wien am Heldenplatz

Intensive Workshop


“Wiener Kultursommer 2021“

Public Moves by IMPULSTANZ
Tanzworkshops – Teaching


Saturdance 2020
Afro-Haitianischer Tanz, Wien

PUBLIC MOVES 2020 By ImpulsTanz
Opening event

Workshop in Africa, “Back To The Roots” in Senegal
Instructor and Co-organizer
14 days Afro-Haitian dance at Kafoutine

Back to the Roots
Afro-haitianischer Tanz-Workshop mit live Music – USI Wien


Afro-haitianischer Tanz-Workshop mit live Music
Universitätssportzentrum Wien

KUG – Kunstuniversität Graz
Institut 5 Musikpädagogik
Meet4Music – Afro-karibische Tänze
Karine LABEL & Lamin Camara

Guédé Ritual
Tanzen und singen auf Kreolisch

Back to the Roots Dancing & Singing
Workshop in Vienna

Teaching at ImPulsTanz 2019, Vienna, Austria

Public Moves by ImPulsTanz Festival Wien
Afro-Haitian Dance
Open-Air Workshop on the Jesuitenwiese, Vienna

Afro Tanz Worshop “Back to the Roots” Part II
Universitätssportzentrum, Vienna

Teaching at Saturdance, open workshop
Brunnenpassage, Vienna

Potsdamer Tanztage 2019, Potsdam, Germany
Teaching, 5 days Workshop
Afro-Haitian Dance with Livemusic

Brighton Festival 2019, United Kingdom
Performance “Distorted Constellations”

Brighton Festival 2019, United Kingdom
Teaching at Workshop Haitian Ritual Dance

KUG – Kunstuniversität Graz
Institut 5 Musikpädagogik
Meet4Music – Afro-karibische Tänze
Karine LABEL & Ahmed MBAYE

Workshop in Africa, “Back To The Roots” in Senegal
Instructor and Co-organizer
14 days Afro-Haitian dance near Dakar


Weltmuseum Wien
offener Tanzkurs Haitianischer Tanz
im Rahmen des #TGIF Thank God it’s Friday!

„LAVA“ Dance-show | Afro meets Flamencos
Karine Label (Afro-Dance), Andrea Narten (Flamenco-Dance), Rainer Maria Nero (Flamenco-Gitarre), Christian Stanger (Cajón), Ahmed MBaya (Percussion)
Theater ODEON, Vienna, Austria

Teacher at Research Workshop
Haitian Vodou dance as part of Afro Diasporic Ritual as Afrofuturist Technology
Bighton, United Kingdom

Teacher at ImPulsTanz Vienna Festival
5 Days open-Workshop | Afro-Haitian Dance with Live-Drums, Vienna, Austria

Teacher at ImPulsTanz Vienna Festival
PUBLIC MOVEMENT moving outside into the Anton-Benya-Park, Vienna, Austria

Teacher at Potsdamer Tanztage, 5 days Workshop
Afro-Haitian Dance with Livemusic, Potsdam, Germany

“Do” Afro-Haitian Dance and Musicperformance
Njamy Sitson & Karine LaBel
Atelier Theater, Vienna, Austria

Haitian Dance-Workshops, Stuttgart, Germany

Performance, Institut Français, Berlin, Germany

African singing, vocal polyphony from Central Africa
Njamy Sitson & Karine LaBel, Vienna, Austria


Event of the Embassy of the Haitian Republic in Germany, Berlin, Germany
As part of the United Buddy Bears exhibition
Traditional Haitian dance with live drums
Claude Saturne, Paolo Cedras & Karine LaBel

Workshop Haitianischer Tanz für Erwachsene und Kinder, Berlin, Germany
Paulo Cedraz on drums & Karine LaBel

Teacher at ImpulsTanz, International Dance Festival, Vienna, Austria

Technical dance
Afro-Haitian Dance, Basistraining mit Live-Trommelmusik

Saturdance, Project “Tanz die Toleranz”, Brunnenpassage, Vienna, Austria

International Festival for Contemporary Dance, Potsdamer Tanztage 2017, Germany (Potsdam/Berlin)
Workshop Afro-Haitianischer Tanz mit Live Musik
Workshop Afro-Haitianischer Tanz for young dancers

Afro Haitian Dance Performance by Karine la Bel, Charity Akuma & Ahmed Mbaye, Percussion
at “#intervent11 – PASSION – Leib und Leidenschaft, Kunst und Philosophie im Dialog”
Initiator Hr. Dr. Leo Hemetsberger, Philosoph


Tanz die Toleranz – Tanzworkshop “Afro- Haitianisch”, Brunnenpassage, Vienna

ImpulsTanz, teaching at International Dance Festival, Vienna:
Afro-Haitian Dance in combination with live percussion

Ratatouille an Afro-Dance and come together cooking workshop

Saturdance, Project “Tanz die Toleranz”, Brunnenpassage, Vienna

“Tanzen, kochen, reden, spüren”, in Südwind-Magazin für Internationale Politik, Kultur und Entwicklung
Wieso das ImPulsTanz-Festival am besten ist, wenn man selbst im Rahmen von Workshops mitmacht, erfuhr Stefanie Braunisch von der Choreografin Karine LaBel.

Community Cooking and Dancing, at “youngCaritas” in the Brotfabrik Vienna

International Festival for Contemporary Dance, Tanztage 2016, Potsdam (Berlin), Germany
Adult Worshop and Kids Workshop

Youth workshops serie, WUK, Vienna, Austria


Workshop Jugendklub
Afro-Caribbean Dance, Festspielhaus, Sankt Pölten, Austria

Cleansing Ritual, WUK-Wien
Located in the Haitian tradition this dance invites to a personal release

co-organizing a charity flea market in favor of the austrian-haitian help-association „Hand in Hand mit Haiti”, at WUK-Wien

Intercultural Workshop on behalf AYBOBO-Association
Initiating intercultural communication through after-dance come together activity on cooking and round table discussion

„Heimat am Herd“, Kurier Zeitung am Samstag (austrian national issue, 5 th Jun 2015)
LaBel is talking with journalist Heidi Strobl about her intercultural come together cooking-workshops

Videodance choreography
Videoclip “One By One” by austrian Artist Coshiva
Creation and implementation choregraphy for the dance-crew


TV-documentary about “afro-haitian-dance” on Austrian national TV-Channel ORF2 (3.5.2014)
The Journalists Silvana Meixner and Ajda Sticker report in there weekly national broadcast “Heimat fremde Heimat” about LaBel’s afro-haitian-dance concept

Lecturer in a project of Satu Kristiina Herrala
Sauna Community Amalienbad

Vodou goes East
Contemporary dance project together with Angela Vadori, ImPulsTanz, Wien

Intercultural Workshops together with Djoutala Seydi,
Initiating intercultural communication through come together activity on cooking

Haitian ritual dance performance
La sirène and Jemania together with Atissou Loko

Saturday Dance, Tanz die Toleranz
Caritas Wien

ImpulsTanz 2014


Dance Workshop
Pilipili Zurich, Switzerland

Intercultural Workshops,
Initiating intercultural communication through come together on cooking

Saturdance, Tanz die Toleranz
Caritas Wien

Instructor at AKASSA Festival, Vienna

ImpulsTanz 2013


In the conference closing: Chancen auf Lebenserfolg für die Jugend
House of European Union, Vienna

Fundraising performance
„Der Ruf der Corn Lanbi“ in favor of the austrian-haitian help-association „Hand in Hand mit Haiti”

Fundraising, Intercultural Performance
Soul art, Ost Klub, Vienna

Dance Workshop
Pilipili Zurich, Switzerland

Saturday Dance, Tanz die Toleranz
Caritas Wien

Haitian Ritual Dance

ImpulsTanz 2012


Workshops & Performances
La Croisée des Cultures, Genf, Switzerland

ImpulsTanz 2011


Antagone dance theatre

Weltjournal documentary film (ORF)

Project Tanz die Toleranz in the Brunnen Passage

Topic Whater in the Zoom museum for children

Dance performance for the haitian community in Belgium

TTT jardin d’europe

Contemporary Dance Education

Dance film production

Hip90 Fitness!TV

Haitian dance workshop for the haitian community

ImpulsTanz 2010


Antagone dance theatre

Brunnen Passage, project at the Brunnenmarkt with the topic market

Festival d’ ATELIER D’ETHNOMUSICOLOGIE IN SUISSE. Dance performance and workshop

SOAK Greece

ImpulsTanz 2009

TTT jardin d’europe. Contemporary Dance Education.
SOAK Greece.


Haitian Dance Expression Workshop
at TRANSFORMATOR / protagon, Frankfurth/Main, Germany

15.02.2008 Bangkok, Thailand
Patravadi Theatre
World premiere: Namenlos – Anonymous

Haitian Dance Expression Workshop
at the Dance Department Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University Bangkok

Antagone dance theatre

TV-Report on ORF the austrian national channel for the broadcast “Kreuz und quer”
DIE HEXENSCHULE a reportage from Martin Betz

Workshops in Brunnen Passage

Namenlos Anonymus – Performance in the theatre Jugendstiltheater


Dance performance and workshop
SOAK Greece

ImpulsTanz 2008


Cross Continental Design Catwalk (CCDC) 2007 -> Jewellery & Fashion Design Performance with contemporary dance, Choreography: Liz King, A and Moeketsi Koena, RSA

Regulare practice at TanzQuartierWien in contemporary dance & improvisational dance technique

Teacher at ImPulsTanz07


12.07.2006 Graz, Bühnenwerkstatt
30.06.2006 Bad Aussee

Teacher at ImPulsTanz06

Teacher at Summer Academy Zante/Greece


Teacher at ImPulsTanz05

Teacher at Summer Academy Zante/Greece


Teacher at ImPulsTanz04

Teacher at Summer Academy Zante/Greece


Teacher at Summer Academy Zante/Greece


Birth of her Child and begin of an educational focus in her life

Interview, for Deutschen Welle International “arts on air” -> find it at the Video section
( but off course it’s still an audio file 😉 )

Karine danced her famous snake dance in the context of the Hörgänge: Abado / Lang / Lepenik / Musil / Strobl
Laleloo / Live improvisation (première)
“Prolog: Fremd I Vertraut” in memory of Christian Loidl


LaBel & Company: L’envers du décor / Die Kehrseite der Medaille/ The Other Side of the Coin, Studio Molière.
“L’envers du décor” is a project which was planned as a concluding event of the “Religious, expressive and ritual culture of the African diaspora” series of lectures by Prof. Dr. Manfred Kremser at the Institute of Ethnology, Social and Cultural Anthropology, in the framework of which Karine taught on the topic of “Shango/Ogoun/etc. (“Voodoo” in Brazil, Haiti and Cuba”). The idea of the piece is to express Haitian Voodoo rituals on the stage live in the form of dance.

LaBel & Company: L’envers du décor: Extract, Kunstwerkstatt Tulln

Workshop at the 11th Potsdamer Tanztagen
Traditional Haitian Dance
Potsdam Factory

Life Ball 2001: The very one thing we all have in common is to be different.
Opening und Fashion Show at the Rathausplatz.

Life Ball song by Doretta Carter,
LaBel & Company dance the Afro part (Choreography: LaBel)

L’envers du décor: Extract, WUK Theatre

Bühnenwerkstatt Graz: Dance workshop:

Afro-Haitian Dance I +II

20 Years WUK / LaBel & Company: L’envers du décor: Extract, Grosser Saal


“Willkommen Österreich”, ORF 2: Performance with school pupils on the theme of Voodoo dance.

Lifeball 2000: 2 performances in the framework of eYeM

  1. Internationale Sommertanzwochen Wien: Assisted Salia Sanon


5-week stay in Haiti where she completed dance courses with Vivianne Gautier, the grande dame of Haitian dance.

Film recording for a trailer of the “Peacemachine” project at the Eisbach Studios, Munich.

Appearance in “Willkommen Österreich”, ORF.

Advertising film for the Deutsche Post.

Teaching at the University of Vienna Sports Institute.

  1. Oberlaa, autumn congress of Austrian orthopaedists, solo performance -> Perfect Backs.


Appearances as speaker with flautists of the Viennese Symphony Orchestra in Claude Debussy’s Les Chansons De Bilitis, in the Brahms Room of the musical institute.

“Die Fische fremder Träumer” movement theatre after an idea by Alexander Uhl, with the theatre group “Die Amsel” at the Klagenfurt Ensemble.

  1. Wiener Sommertanzwochen: assisted George Momboye.

2nd performance of “Aybobo Halleluja” at the Szene Wien.

  1. Internationale Bühnenwerkstatt Graz “Dreams Of The Pearl” by and with Chandiru Mawa-Straub

“Aba Lalu” for Amnesty International

Appearances in “Vera”, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF)

“Confetti Ti Vi”, ORF: Fire dance with dance group “Die Amsel”.

Stadthalle Wien: Christmas show, among other parts she performed a very well-received African dance solo to Mozart’s Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra No.7, KV 242 “Lodron”.


Solo dancer for the Phoenix Group in “Tribal Fire Dance”, London: “Tribal Fire Dance Show” at the CCA-Awards party, ORF-Studio Vienna, in April. Performances in Vienna, Linz, Graz and Innsbruck.

Winner of the 2nd Viennese Afro-Dance Championship at the Afro Asiatic Institute, Vienna. Talks at the University of Vienna on the culture, dance and religion of Haiti at the Institute of Ethnology in May.

“Grossen Hallamasch”, Festival Of Cultures, 20-27th September 1997: A Haitian “Rara-Grapp Plezi” was rehearsed which she led as majorette. The jury of the Hallamasch awarded Karine Libecca the first prize for her work.


Performance and dance animation at Hotel Interalpen in Telfs, Tyrol, Austria

Dance performance in the “Haitian Evening”: “Haiti meets Vienna” in Vienna on 16th March

Austrian national television (ORF) documentary on the Haitian Evening and interview

“Rencontre Entre Deux Monde” dance theatre for the “Fête De La Jeunesse” in Paris, France

TV documentary on French television for “Fête De La Jeunesse”

Contribution to TV documentary for the french 1st television channel TF1 national broadcast

Series “Tout Est Possible” on the topic of haitian dance

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